
March 24, 2019

Technology is a gift to us. We learn, connect, and play. The internet provides opportunities to meet authors and explore ideas.

Steve Antony shares the goodness of technology in his book, Unplugged. It also supports balance of exploring the outdoors and the importance of friendship.

Enjoy meeting Steve Antony on this one minute video clip.

Enjoy the reading of Unplugged (4 min. video).

Savorings for reading and in writing for Unplugged:

  • Technology
  • Power of 3
  • Friendship
  • Learning
  • Setting
  • Pros/ Cons

Goodnight iPad

December 4, 2014

When my children were young, I repeatedly read Goodnight Moon to my children until I could quote it. Wes would search for the mouse on every page. A classic for every child’s enjoyment.

Ruth Ayres with Kristen Ziemke Connecting Comprehension and Technology

I spent a day of learning with Kristen Ziemke, and technology is on my brain. We have many tools at our fingertips to use, but purpose needs to drive the tool. I thought Goonight iPad by Ann Droyd seems appropriate. Sometimes, we get caught up in the moment and need time to reflect. Balance is key.

Have fun reading this book with your kids. I love the last page.

Savorings for reading and writing for Goodnight iPad:

  • Cause and Effect
  • Rhyming
  • a Parody
  • Reflection

View the book on YouTube read by Ann Droyd (2 min.)