3Slice of Life: Family Talk


I am trying to blog and get some thoughts down.  Instead of a quiet, serene place, my family is talking.  The conversation is a potpourri of ideas.  What I love is the fact that all three of our kids are sharing with my husband and I.  Throughout the conversation, I have been adding my comments in as well (this is taking forever because of the interruptions).  I am smiling.  Our family talks are fulfilling, even if the talk has no major depth to it.

“Dad, I should straighten your hair,”  Elizabeth announces, sitting next to him on the couch.

“No a Mohawk,” our youngest son, Tim, replies.

“Mohawk is for punkers,” my husband says, shaking his head.  “No, I should style my hair like Justin Beaver.”

“Hey, I like Justin Beaver,” Elizabeth retorts, frowning.  “Why does everyone not like him?”

“Because he is a wimp. Tim could take him down,” Wes  says.

“Whatever!” Elizabeth says, flipping her hair.

“Do you want to date a guy like Justin?” Rick replies to his daughter.

“Date?  What?” my daughter wrinkles her face.  “Who’s talking about dating?”

Elizabeth opens her J-14 magazine.

“Who is that?  Her hair is awful!” my husband says, pointing to some actress.

“Yeah, she changes it often.  It’s her style,” Elizabeth adds.

“Her style is horrible,” Rick says, leaning closer to his daughter, looking at the magazine.

“What are doing?” Elizabeth asks, looking at her dad.

“I like to keep up on what my daughter is interested in,” her dad replies.

More comments banter back and forth.

“Oh Mom, Mr. S shared a story today in class.”…

Wes starts with the story about a teacher at school.  I’m laughing so hard; I have to go.  Family talks are awesome!!

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