SOLSC: Writing Group Part 4: The Story Unfolds

As the great writing group that we are, we sat on the sofas (yes, the Slices from the Sofa sofa) and listened to Tam share her delightful revised story of Neville.

Tam reading Neville to BONS.

Beginning with a wonderful prologue, Tam began:
“Have you ever seen or met a mouse? Can you imagine being friends with a mouse?” My mind begins wrapping around this adorable creature when I hear Ruth (Ayres)
“A mouse? Tam, I didn’t know you were writing horror.” You see, Ruth hates rodents. Because she loves the writing process, she has been generously learning to like Neville, to hear his story.

We laughed (okay, we belly laugh from the depths of our toes).
“Okay, I’ll be quiet, but I may have nightmares tonight.”

You see, the beauty of the BONS is that we listen, we laugh, we linger. Our little snippets of story, whether a hopeful-someday-I’ll-write-a-book to the possible posts we will share to the book that has a deadline – they all matter. Each person’s writing matters. We matter.

And that my friend, is why we BONS get together each month, no matter what.

(At this moment I am rereading this post, we have interrupted our thinking with a comment that has spurred laughter. You see the laughter is the best. It fuels our writing.)

***To hear the culmination of this wonderful evening, go to Ruth Ayres Writes.

10 Responses to SOLSC: Writing Group Part 4: The Story Unfolds

  1. You really capture the feeling of being one of the BONS. It is a group I am envious of. I need some belly laughs that come from the depths of my toes! Thank you for letting us experience this special group vicariously.

  2. Ruth says:

    Hey! Deadline? Was that meant for someone in particular?

  3. What a wonderful group you all have!

  4. Mary Helen you and the BONS girls are so clever. I read each slice in this story and now am back tracking to comment. You are the best to award trophies. I hope you included yourself. Hip,hip, hurrah!

  5. Deb Day says:

    “Each person’s writing matters. We matter.” Love those lines. What a wonderful way to spend an evening

  6. elsie says:

    “You see, the beauty of the BONS is that we listen, we laugh, we linger” thanks for letting us linger with you tonight! What fun!

  7. the other ruth says:

    MH, this was super-fun! Love my trophy and that we crafted something all together tonight. Thanks for capturing all the pictures too. I think we’ll need some copies of those!

  8. Linda Baie says:

    “You see, the beauty of the BONS is that we listen, we laugh, we linger.” This is just beautiful to think about.

  9. grade4wizard says:

    It feels special to be allowed to peek into BONS meeting. This is what all of you have allowed to do through your slices on this topic.
    It’s great that you have each other.

  10. Mrs. V says:

    I love how you captured what your writing group is like. I smiled at the clash between what you were thinking and Ruth’s outburst. I can see how laughter must fuel writing. The thought of proposing a writing group to my colleagues who already meet once a month for a book club has been tumbling around in my mind. This post makes me even more determined to bring up the idea.

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